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研究单位:西班牙马德里IMDEA 食品研究所

研究人员:玛格丽塔 冈萨雷斯 威廉纳斯,玛尔塔 冈萨雷斯 洪德,阿阮特萨 罗德里格斯 卡萨,等


Nutrition Reviews, 2013, 71(9):585-99.

Dietary phytochemicals in cancer prevention and therapy: a complementary approach with promising perspectives

Margarita González-Vallinas, Marta González-Castejón, Arantxa Rodríguez-Casado, et al

IMDEA-Food Institute, Madrid, Spain

The population is aging. Over the coming years, the incidence of age-related chronic diseases such as cancer is expected to continue to increase. Phytochemicals, which are non-nutritive chemicals found in plants and food, have emerged as modulators of key cellular signaling pathways exerting proven anticancer effects. The challenge now is to develop personalized supplements comprised of specific phytochemicals for each clinical situation. This will be possible once a better understanding is gained of the molecular basis explaining the impact of phytochemicals on human health. The aim of the present literature review is to summarize current knowledge of the dietary phytochemicals with proven antitumor activity, with a special emphasis placed on their molecular targets. Also discussed are the limits of existing research strategies and the future directions of this field.


用于癌症预防和治疗的饮食植物化学成分︰ 一种前景广阔的补充方法

玛格丽塔  冈萨雷斯 威廉纳斯,玛尔塔  冈萨雷斯 洪德,阿阮特萨 罗德里格斯  卡萨,等

西班牙马德里IMDEA 食品研究所


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