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研究单位:西蒙斯学院 S-334,美国马萨诸塞州波士顿 02115,

研究人员:凯蒂 A 米勒,菲欧 弗朗克,等


Cogent Food & Agriculture, 2016.

Collected literature on isoflavones and chronic diseases

Katie A. Miller, Farrell Frankel, Hitomi Takahashr, et al

Simmons College, S-334, Boston, MA 02115, USA

Isoflavones are organic compounds, which have been linked to the health benefits and prevention of many diseases. Common isoflavones are genistein, daidzein, and glycitein. Genistein has been researched in regard to its effect on the reduction of menopausal symptoms and reduction of cardiovascular risk factors in osteopenic, post-menopausal women. Research on daidzein focuses on bone mineral density implications in post-menopausal women, therapeutic effects early in prostate cancer, and protection against DMBA-induced mammary carcinogenesis. The most recent research on daidzein has implications for its effect on cardiovascular risk reduction. Research on glycitein focuses on it bioavailability, as well as its role in angiogenesis and invasion of malignant glioma cells. The health benefits of these specific isoflavones are instrumental in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. This review of literature focuses on the effects of genistein, daidzein, and glycitein on health outcomes, such as breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, and prostate cancer.



西蒙斯学院 S-334,美国马萨诸塞州波士顿 02115



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